luni, 30 martie 2009

Eh, Eh [there's nothing else I can say]

Cherry cherry
Boom boom

Boy, we've had a real' good time
And I wish you the best on your way
Eh I didn't mean to hurt you
I never thought we'd fall out of place
Eh eh

I have something that I love long-long
But my friends keeping telling me that something's wrong
Then I met someone

And babe, there's nothing else I can say...Eh eh
There's nothing else I can say...Eh eh
I wish you'd never looked at me that way...Eh eh
There's nothing else I can say...Eh eh

Not that I don't care about you
Just that things got so compilquee
Eh I met somebody cute and finally got each other
And that's funny
hey, eh eh

Eh eh, There's nothing else I can say
Eh eh (eh eh)I wish you'd never looked at me that way
Eh eh (eh eh)There's nothing else I can say
Eh eh (eh eh)hey

Cherry cherry, boom boom
Eh eh, hey,
Oh yeah
All I can say is eh eh !!...

si serios ca doar asta am de spus!:)

marți, 24 martie 2009

Brown eyes

I only knew 2 sincere brown eyes in my still is the only look I remember, the only one I have in my mind when things tend to go from bad to worse...even in my happiest moments they come right in front of me just to remind me that I should always remember them that one way! The way they were back then... . Maybe those are the most important moments...those happy moments... . I always remember that I owe everything I am to them! Yes...I found that what I think is right, it really is, just that...I can't be that way without being understood...and maybe this is what hurts the most... . I hope that those brown eyes will always remember what they mean to me!( you may wonder what i still say it in present...well I do it because they will always be a part of my life:) ). Thank you for being there when I needed you to be! Thank you for making me feel special! Thank you for showing me that wonderful feeling...the most wonderful one...the once in a lifetime one! Thank you for giving me the chance to be what I wanted to be , but never before could! Thank you for sharing my ignorance! Thank you for...just being there...just giving me the chance to get to know you!...Thank you for everything! ...

If everything was everything,but everything is over! Everything could be everything if only we were older!…

vineri, 20 martie 2009

Da, suntem putine!...

Tocmai vorbeam cu tine si imi spuneai ca suntem putine cele care facem asta! Unii ne judeca, nu sunt de acord cu modul asta de a exprima ce crezi si ce simti. E normal! Fiecare cu parerile lui!

Stiu ca de cele mai multe ori ceea ce scriu eu pe blog nu prea are sens pentru multi... . Imi citesc posturile ca si cum ar citi orice altceva, dar stiu ca tu stii despre ce vorbesc si sincer ma simt bine ca pot discuta cu cineva despre asta si ca acel cineva ma si intelege! greu!:)) Imi place ca de fiecare data cand povestesti ceva eu te pot opri si pot continua povestea fara sa-i schimb sensul.( uneori chiar ma amuza). Si stii ce imi place si mai mult? Ca ai mai multa vointa ca mine. Poti face unele lucruri pe care eu am putut sa le fac dupa un timp indelungat!( da hai ca le-am facut! asa ca nu comenta!)

La inceput te-am crezut altfel! La inceput aveam un val peste fata care ma facea sa explodez la fiecare lucru care mi se parea a fi o amenintare! Nu stateam sa cercetez terenul. Pur si simplu actionam fara sa imi pese de consecinte... si datorita impulsivitatii mele am avut mult de pierdut...mai bine zis am avut tot de pierdut(la un moment dat...), dar mi-am revenit!(zic eu-bitting nails:)) ). Te-am recuperat si asta ma face sa ma simt bine!:)

Ok, d aici nu mai scriu siropos!Asta a fost o mica exceptie 4 u !:) De maine se revine la normal:))

vineri, 6 martie 2009

Mariah Carey-Don't forget about us(LIVE 2006)

Keep in mind the lyrics !

Sunt sigura ca multi dintre voi sunteti de acord cu ce spune melodia asta! Cred ca asta este cea mai frumoasa amintire pe care o poate avea cineva in viata! Nu mai conteaza partile negative ale povestii cand stii ca asa ceva se simte doar o data!:)